The Steadman Philippon Research Institute is Awarded PRP-Biologics Research Grant by the AOSSM Research Committee

The Steadman Philippon Research Institute in Vail, Colorado has been awarded a Biologics Grant by the AOSSM Research Committee. Dr. Robert F. LaPrade, orthopedic knee surgeon with The Steadman Clinic, and Chief Medical Officer for the Steadman Philippon Research Institute served as co-author for the study. His team of researchers from the Intitute, submitted their topic on, "Intratendinous injections of platelet‐poor plasma, or platelet rich plasma with or without leukocyte enrichment for patellar tendinopathy: a multi‐centre,double‐blind, randomized controlled trial.”
This topic was selected as the winner of the AOSSM Biologic Treatments for Sports Injuries Research Grant and is the only one considered for this subject matter. The grant application was one of 15 received by AOSSM in response to the call for grant proposals. A nine member Review Panel was convened consisting of basic scientists, outcomes specialists, and orthopaedic clinicians. The amount provided for the study is $250,000, which will be disbursed every six months over a two-year period.
The AOSSM (The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine) is committed to advancing clinical research in orthopaedic sports medicine and has developed a series of initiatives that provide support at different career stages and for different groups of AOSSM members. Members know that the successful application of clinical research, testing, and evaluating new concepts and interventions at the bedside and in carefully managed clinical trials lead to better patient care. The Society provides more than $350,000 annually in research dollars to individuals and institutions.